The Letters Crusade

Discover the boy you never knew.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Day Puma Stop Moving...

You know what? When you feel like you are having writer's block and got nothing to talk about, out of no where, something pop out and once again you have something to write about.

I thought my life would be flat and dull after I came back for holiday, FULL with HOMEWORK. Of course, yumcha session is a must but you rarely talk about them except something funny or interesting happened that worth to blog about.

Today, something extraordinary happened, something supernatural. Oh, do I sounds like sharing a ghost story? Fear not, it would be something more amazing!


He was gift given by my friends during my last year's birthday. His fashion taste is simple, black and white is his favorite. He wears shirt that has numbers on it. The most interesting part about him is, he keeps a special black cat called Puma.

Puma is a very hyperactive cat. It always moving around non-stop, it has a weird interest that it likes to move in a fixed circular shape (locus). Every second, you could see Puma moving.

After a year long and half, it still moving.

But today, Puma suddenly acting weird. It went off from its home and decided not to move anymore again for the rest of its life time. Perhaps, Puma feels that it is time for it to retired from this endless journey. And so it goes and never return~

I feel like I'm writing a fiction that perhaps none of you understand what the hell am I talking about.

To make it simple,

My watch malfunctioned!! Can't really say that it was malfunctioned, because it was just the second ticker that spoiled. The watch is still functioning, except I don't get to see the second ticker turning.

Last year's birthday.


OYEAH!! It's this freaking second ticker that I'm talking about all waaaaay long! The cat figure will turn as second passes and by the way, its Puma brand! XD

So sad that the 'cat' resigned from its job. I can no longer witness as the seconds tick away. And now, my world goes by MINUTES!!

O M F G.


caLwin said...

sad puma..lolz..cant fix?

Jiajun said...

haha.. havent go ur shop yet.. n i lost the warranty card. ><