The Letters Crusade

Discover the boy you never knew.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy 1st Anniversary!!!

Happy birthday to you~

Happy birthday to you~

Happy birthday to you~~~

Happy birthday to you!!!


today is the 1st Anniversary of The Letters Crusade!!! (initially known as "Bed of Roses. Thorns. Jun's")

The Letters Crusade was "accidentally" founded in 29th May 2008 by a dude name, JJ.

actually, I started to blog first by using Windows Live Space, but I found it quite unsorted and a total mess.. so, under the recommendation of Sharon and Calwin, I have enter the world of Blogger cause I find it simple and clean...

so it begins my life as a part time blogger~~

as time goes, many of my friends have started to join me into the blogosphere 1 by 1 , although some are just 3-minutes-heat... =.=

well, starting a blog is easy as shit.. the main key is the maintenance!! how you keep your blog alive all the time full with interesting stuff to share about.. how you fill your blog with spirit so that your readers always enjoy viewing your blog and not hesitating to click on your link every time when they are surfing the blogs hoping for updates... you don't want people to come into your blog and been surrounded by despair just because you always blog about how shit your life was, how failure you are, for 24/7!?!?

blog is about your life.. so your life are in despair 24/7? I don't think so.

c'mon~ life's harsh already, we can't afford to handle more despair(here, I always mean 24/7 that kind 1)

so, if you find that your blog was "accidentally" overload with too much of despair.. stop and think.. around you, is it didn't have any good/interesting stuff to talk about? if so, your life is indeed FUCKED!!! and I suggest you to go to this web, Fuck My Life and you can start rant about how fuck you life was... just please don't fill the blogosphere with despair...

p/s : this post was not meant to be pointed at any individuals.