The Letters Crusade

Discover the boy you never knew.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

100th Post Milestone


guess what! Mr. JJ has already written 100 entries for the past seven months!!! OMG!! time flies~

in conjunction of 100th Post Milestone, i would like to share something nice, REAL NICE!!

yes! its the Perfect Memories II...

what? you think that I'm trying to trick you using old stuffs? hell no!! the previous Perfect Memories II videos have been fixed by me.. no more lagging between frames!!! 100% guaranteed of smooth watching!!

now enjoy and get touched by the second time~

Perfect Memories II - The Introduction

(click here if the video above doesn't work)

Perfect Memories II - The Everlasting Memories

(click here if the video above doesn't work)

lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my dear buddies and readers who are so kind enough to spend their precious time reading my blog, muacks! Muacks!! MUACKS!!! (although my blog was full of shit and junk!! XP) and with all your support, i might produce entries which give more nutrients in the future... who knows? hahaha..

till then... see you in the next milestone...

p/s: damn... what a loooooooooooong way to go~