The Letters Crusade

Discover the boy you never knew.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just Married, Again NOT ME.

On 15th August 2009, the most important event happened on my cousin bro, Jin Song.

He got married!!! Congratulation mannn!!!

It was my 1st time to have involved in a wedding ceremony since he is my close relative. My family have came down to KL and stayed in hotel for the weekends.

So, that day after I finished my class, I straight away rushed to the LRT station, of course with cab. Then I dropped off at KL Sentral and took KTM to Mid Valley(My family stays at Cititel). And for 1st time again, I experience the Wrath of Sardine Tin KTM. With a luggage on my hand, I couldn't squeeze my way into the freaking train which ended up watching the door hopelessly as it started to close and the train "jog" away (because it moves like snail).

Its 5.15pm. Sigh.

Enough with the troubles. I shall save my curses because this should be a loving entry isn't it!?

In our Chinese tradition, if the bridegroom wants to bring his bride from her house to his house. He has to face the challenges set up by the zhi muis of his bride. Well, of course with the help of his heng dai.

FYI, I'm not at the scene of the following event, just telling story by pictures,

The "Bridegroom's Chariot" has been readied and off they go!

The Chosen Ones

And so the challenges began!

Things get nasty sometimes,

"You bite the wrong 1 and I will marry you instead! I SWEAR!!"

The bra that would bring lots of prosperity if sucked right? XD

With the efforts from his heng dai, he finally made it to the bride's room!!


After successfully taking his bride home, the "yamcha" session follows.

And now, I'm back to the scene!! XP

I don't know why but my dad looks funny in this pic. =)

After drinking enough of the tea, here goes the important role of JJ on that day. My holy mission was to escort the newly-weds to their room, jumping humping on their bed for a few times then poke through a box and grab the angpau inside then zhaolou~!!

Actually, it was supposed to be another kid who will be doing this but one of the kid's family member was diagnosed to have infected by H1N1, so they couldn't showed up, And I'm the only substitute they can find since the person who will be doing this must be a boy and not married and younger than the bride.

I have absolutely no idea what's the main reason of doing that but as far as I know, its a part of the tradition, so just do it lah~

*Fast forwarding to the wedding dinner*

Oh ya, before we took off, I saw a Ferrari car parked outside the hotel.


The place where the feast happens!

The dinner as stated starts at 7pm. Me and my family arrived there at 6.15pm and guess what, we are the 1st one to arrived!! Talking about KL timing, maybe Calwin find it suits him best. Well, can't be blamed, KL's notorious with its congestion madness and poor public transit. Working people reached home maybe already 6 something or maybe 7, plus bath n preparation? Give them 8pm perhaps?

Luckily, my family and I have filled up our stomach a bit before we came here.

I found that the souvenir was quite interesting,

Guess what it is? No, its not a Happiness Blade nor the Gun-blade in FF7.

It's a pair of chopsticks!!

Finally, the ceremony "kicks-off" at 8.45pm.

The exotic cuisines were served~

The "Cold Plate" that has 110% attendance in every dinner.

Green veges just don't suit me.

The wedding cake.

The newly-weds and their parents.

Just Married~

Now I was wondering who among us will get marry first. Any ideas?

Esther are excluded.

p/s: All the above photos that do not have date on the bottom are credits to Jin Song's friend.


Ken Wooi said...

wow the challenges?
bra and underwear??
absurd la.. lol