Yesterday was the birthday of one of my KBU seniors, Daniel. And from what I heard from them(my seniors), everyone of them will be screwed like hell on their birthday, something like dyeing your hair BY FORCE, "treat" you an apple with worms inside, you named it and if they didn't carry out before, they might just do it on their next target. Who knows? LOL
That night, we have our dinner at McD and guess what, we invented something new that McDonald himself didn't even think of,
And he blew out the candles, we all quickly fan off the smoke from "flying" upwards cause we scare later it activates the smoke alert and we will have rain inside McD. Fortunately, no shower was coming down.
Later, we found out that there weren't any smoke alert actually.
So, we started to refill our Coke again, again and AGAIN!! Now, that's explain why we choose to have our dinner at McD. The waiter must be wondering, "What the fuck!?!? You not just refill meh? What bloody stomach you have!?"
We have 6 people and each of us refill it 3 times!! That made up a few liters of Coke! Kunyit powder and flour were bought too.
Then we wait until like 1am cause some of my seniors have presentation to work up with at the student house. And when everyone was there, IT'S SHOW TIME!!!
We walk Daniel to the field nearby.He was shocked when 2 macho man from us grabbed him and pinned him down and the Bombardment went off!!
COKE, FLOUR, KUNYIT POWDER, all hampelang hentam kat dier!! He was like those performer who performs badly and kena throw by eggs.
When we all sumbat inside the lift, IT'S PAYBACK TIME!! Daniel quickly grab the golden chance that he go and tepek all of us, shit mannnn!!
And of course, by recording the whole "dirty job", I sacrificed my phone.
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