The Letters Crusade

Discover the boy you never knew.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Camp = No camp

for the past 3 days including today.. me n my friends went for a camp held in school SS.. in the beginning we all thought it would like Elite Camp which we involved before during Form 3.. which was a useful camp..


for ur info, we stayed in a dorm..

- bathrooms without PROPER doors.. only with some MOBILE doors which we need to set it up to fill up the actually door position.. some of my friends who are extremely lazy to wait for their turns ( there are only 3 mobile doors im supposed), they bath naked~ salute to them cause beautifying the scenery of the those damn bathrooms~!!

- a camp without a camp commander.. results, we have no idea of when actually is the time to eat.. where to go when it is a 'Riadah' slot... where is the morning call that the authority promised to give us.. what to do for the non-muslims when all the muslims are praying.. where to put those heavy luggage when we wanna say goodbye to the camp.. IT IS TOTALLY ON YOUR OWN OF HOW ARE YOU GOING TO SPEND YOUR TIME DURING THAT CAMP.. 2 words, no system..

- come for skema only.. some teacher are good, some are so so~~ they come in the class then distribute the module set to us.. then ask us to do.. then discuss.. and lastly... they giv us skema for each subject.. i think my class is luckier than my other friends'.. im supposed~~

- got a teacher.. i duno why.. but actually it was a joke that made him looks stupid.. he cant really diferentiate btwn KANCIL n MERCEDES BENZ.. he was driving kancil at that time, then he ask my friend: "eh, naik mercedes saya la" then VROOOOOM away leaving my friend speechless.. maybe he is indulged with our MB's mercedes issues.. dont turn around n stab us lar.. cause if we stab back you, we are just the same as you.. you are nasty.. and we dont have time to mess with a nasty person.. (only for those who know about the actual incident... neninenipupu~~)

in conclusion,

satu kem yang amat menyedihkan.. menghabiskan 3 hari dgn sia sia.. kem tak macam kem.. datang ambil skema je..

Peace yo~!