The Letters Crusade

Discover the boy you never knew.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

1st time driving experience...

as the title stated.. today was my 1st time driving a car.. n its KANCIL!!! Malaysia Official Car for Learning... and Kancil is abit compact for me who have long lengs.. =.= hmmm.. when will it be that everyone would like to go BITARA and see rows of FERRARI cars waiting for them.. how about hundreds year after?? hmmm.. maybe not.. ><

who the hell invented manual car?? maaannn... he or she should invent a automatic car straight he or she dint think about us who always forced to treat people a cup of offee.. sugar perhaps? anyhow, we must thank him or her who invented cars which aid us in our long journey of life~~

all that i can say that,it was always totally different from just learning it theoretically than PRACTICALLY.. it was an amazing experience indeed.

1 down.. 2 more to go till i get my L~!!